Terms and conditions of use

1. Or User agrees-is to observe all as disposições legais aplicáveis, nomeadamente, to não praticar ou to encourage the practice of atos illegal ou offensive dos bons costumes, tais as or sending indiscriminate comunicações não unsolicited (spamming) em violação do disposto na legislação applicable to ao treatment dice pessoais e às comunicações publicitárias through aparelhos of the automatic, devendo ainda observe as rules of utilização do Serviço, sob penalty to Documática suspend ou deactivate or Indian us terms referred to in point 14.

2. The User expressly acknowledges and accepts that the IP network constitutes a public electronic communications network susceptible to use by several users, and as such, subject to computer overloads, therefore the documentation does not guarantee the provision of the service without interruptions, loss of information or delays.

3. Documatica also does not guarantee the provision of the service in situations of unpredictable overload of the systems in which it is supported or force majeure (situations of an extraordinary or unpredictable nature, external to the Documatica and which cannot be controlled by it).

4. In the event of interruption of the provision of the service for reasons of unpredictable overload of the systems on which it is supported, the Documatica undertakes to regularize its operation as soon as possible.