Intelligent Automation
The activity of an organization is characterized by a set of facts that originate business processes and support. These businesses need information, information which is essential for organizations to make correct diagnosis and business assessments which can then be followed up by the implementation of solutions that perform the structural analysis of their documents, activities, processes and information flows.
Intelligent Automation unifies documents with people, technology and business processes, and creates opportunities to minimize business risk, reduce time to market of new products, accelerate ROI and increase quality and operational effectiveness coordination of employees, business partners and systems with the aim of providing:
- In this way new and better products and services will be made available to the market faster.
In order to enable its customers to achieve the objectives identified above, Documática developed the concept of intelligent automation with which it intends to carry out information lifecycle management.
To this end, we provide an integrated and specialized application platform that incorporates the following aspects:
1. Acquisition of relevant business information
- Central, distributed and mobile capture: transactional and batch;
- Transformation: Content recognition and extraction engines via OCR / ICR and IWR;
- Availability to back-end systems.
- Information life cycle management;
- Logical and physical storage;
- Image enabling in core and legacy solutions.
- Coordinate the execution of tasks and activities;
- Modeling;
- Execution;
- Monitoring and analysis.
- Provide a real-time flow of information at all enterprise layers;
- Connecting people and systems.
- Giving people visibility, understanding and capacity for action;
- Distribution and consultation via web portal and mobile devices;
- Extraction, reporting and analysis;
- Forecasting and planning.
- Automating system integration and information interoperability.
Documática's intelligent automation offering features a strong component of proprietary solutions, completed with state of the art third party products.
As a complement to the application platform, Documática is strongly committed to providing certified professional services, perfectly adapted to the needs and characteristics of each organization, totally focused on quality improvement, cost flexibility and client focus on its own business.
1. Banking
- Conference and approval of invoices with integration with financial ERP | Document capture platform at branches | Customer information management and signature conference | Approval processes for credit granting and opening account.
- Information system for accidents at work and professional illnesses | Complaint management system of the media regulatory entity | Digitization and data capture of road offences | Platform for document capture in processing entities | Registration and distribution of expedient.
- Control and clearing of invoice payments cash collection control | Proof of Delivery | Proof of documentation warehouses | Remote check deposit | Data extraction from delivery notes, returns.
- Global dealer procurement process management integrated with financial ERP.
- Conference and approval of invoices with financial ERP integration.