Part of SmartPayment Suite, the Smart Treasury Solution complements the Documentary offer in terms of bank clearing and payment management.
Provide Banking Institutions with a Solution to Automate the Management of Bills of Exchange and Predated Checks
The Smart Treasury Solution provides the processing of bills and pre-dated checks in two dimensions
- Logical portfolio management
- Presentation to the clearing house
- Reforms
- Prepayments
- Physical portfolio management
- Portfolio entry and exit processes
- The inventory process.
It is an integrated platform of scanning hardware and software for centralized capture of bills and pre-dated checks, image quality analysis, and process management.
- Implemented in the Back Office of bank clearing
- Integrated with the ADDIntelli Digital Document Archive system
- Allows the consultation of the image of the documents
- Integrated with the banking solution of check clearing and Global 360 Client effects, it makes available check and bill remittance files in the same format as the remittance files received from the counters
- Avoiding double-check processing
The Home Check Solution is characterized by the capacity of application integration allowing to obtain the following benefits
- Reduce the bank's operating costs
- Mitigate the bank's operational and financial risk
- Optimizing the bank's check clearing and effect operations
- Increasing the bank's competitiveness